Engineering Research Center for Intelligent Electrified Mobility

Publisher:魏子琦Release time:2024-03-07Number of views:11

The Jiangsu Engineering Research Center for Intelligent Electrified Mobility (in the following context, “The Center” is used for short) is home to 26 full-time faculties, among which 8 of them are professors and 15 are associate professors. One of them is also the recipient of National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars. The research areas of the Center mainly include vehicle dynamics and control, hydro-energy and electrified mobility equipment, intelligent chassis and autonomous driving, as well as Intelligent Connected and Cooperative Vehicle Infrastructure System. 

Within the past five years, orienting the significant requirement of national economics, and aligning with the national development strategy of New Energy Intelligent Connected Vehicles, the Research Center focuses on the development trend of electrified, intelligent and connected mobility equipment. The Center has committed to over 50 research projects, including National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars, National Key Research and Development Project of ChinaMajor Program of the National Natural Science Foundation of China etc.. The Center has published more than 300 high standard peer-reviewed papers in the SCI/EI indexed journals all over the world, has been granted over 150 invention patents and authored/co-authored multiple academic books. The academic services that the faculties participated in include member of Education Guidance Committee for Ministry of Higher Education Engineering Practice, associate dean member of Standardization Technical Committee for Connected Intelligent Vehicles of Jiangsu, vice chairman of Jiangsu Automotive Engineering Association, associate editor of IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles》and《Journal of Intelligent and Connected Vehiclesand editor of Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering》and《银河工程学报》.The Center not only keeps great corporation with famous top universities around the world, such as USA, German, Canada, Russian, etc., students are allowed to participate visiting scholar programs every now and then, but also have strong connections with top domestic and international relevant manufactures like HW, Ford Motors, Zhongxing, Shanghai Motors, Cherry and CRRC that facilitate the transformation from academic research to real-world applications. The Center also received multiple awards from different organizations, such as First Prize of Science and Technology Progress Award of Ministry of Education, First Prize of Invention Association for Invention and Innovation, Second Prize of Science and Technology Award of Jiangsu Province. The students of The Center who were cultivated to pursue excellence has won multiple competition too, including Silver Medal of National “Internet+” innovation and entrepreneurship competition, International Intelligent Connected Vehicle Competition, World Intelligent Driving Challenges (Canada).


Talent cultivation

The research center undertakes theoretical and experimental teaching of more than 10 professional courses for undergraduate students, including Automotive Theory, Automotive Structure, Hydraulic and Pneumatic Technology, Vehicle Dynamics Fundamentals, Intelligent Vehicles and Autonomous Driving, Hybrid Electric Vehicles, Automotive Electronic Control, Modern Electric Vehicles, Automotive Design, and Intelligent Vehicle Perception Technology. For graduate students, it offers courses such as Vehicle Dynamics and Control (taught entirely in English), Mechanical Vibration Theory and Applications (taught entirely in English), and Real-time Control Systems. Simultaneously, it provides guidance for basic scientific research and engineering projects for over 80 master's and doctoral students and has established good communication and cooperation relationships with internationally renowned universities such as the University of Texas at Austin, the University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, and the University of Waterloo.

In the past five years, students have been cultivated to achieve numerous awards, including nominations for the Excellent Doctoral Dissertation Award from the China Society of Automotive Engineers, leading awards in the World Intelligent Driving Challenge, the National Silver Award in the Internet Plus Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition for College Students, second prize in the Unmanned Driving Formula Racing Competition, runner-up in the 14th International Intelligent Unmanned Vehicle Challenge, Outstanding Award in the China Intelligent Vehicle Competition, and first prize in the Jiangsu Province College Students' Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition, among others.

The alumni of the Department of Automotive Engineering for now include more than 30 doctorate students and 200 Master students. Devoting themselves in the state-of-the-art research topics like advanced vehicle dynamics and control system, new energy vehicle, autonomous driving and artificial intelligence, over 80% of the alumni are holding core R&D and management positions in vehicles and tier one companies, artificial intelligence related companies and unicorn companies. 

Scientific Research

Research direction 1: Vehicle Dynamics and Control

The focus of this direction is on key foundational issues and core technologies in the modeling of vehicle dynamics systems (in a broad sense), as well as handling stability. We also concentrate on innovating chassis structures, integrating system analysis, functional control, and establishing a comprehensive theoretical framework to enhance vehicle safety and intelligence levels.

Research direction 2: Hydro-energy and Electrified Mobility Equipment

Mainly focused on the key technologies related to electric road transport equipment, particularly in batteries, electric propulsion, and electronic control systems. Our main areas of focus include hydrogen fuel cell power systems, electric drive unit systems, and critical core technologies for distributed drive system control.

Research direction 3: Intelligent Chassis and Autonomous Driving

This direction includes high-performance intelligent chassis architecture and the foundational theories and critical core technologies of perception, decision-making, and control for autonomous driving. We aim to provide solutions for autonomous driving, advanced driver assistance systems, and human-machine co-driving systems

Research direction 4: Intelligent Connected and Cooperative Vehicle Infrastructure System.

This research focuses on the integrated collaborative perception and control methods for vehicle-road-cloud systems, as well as theoretical methods and key technologies for cooperative decision-making, planning, and control of networked vehicle clusters in complex intelligent traffic and vehicle-road collaborative environments.


Core Members

Director: Guodong Yin

Core Members: Pu Li, Jiansong Chen, Jinxiang Wang, Ning Zhang, Weichao Zhuang, Keke Geng, Xiaoyuan Zhu, Qiang Gao, Liwei Xu, Wenpeng Wei, Chunhao Yuan